Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM) Module
This module provides functions for calculating and ranking stocks based on
Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM) and related metrics. It includes methods
to compute Dorsey Relative Strength (RSD), Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM)
using both Simple Moving Average (SMA) and Exponential Moving Average (EMA),
as well as functionality to rank stocks against a benchmark index.
To calculate RSM for a list of stock tickers and rank them:
>>> tickers = ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'GOOGL']
>>> rank = ranking(tickers, period='2y', interval='1wk', window=52)
>>> print(rank.head())
To compute Mansfield Relative Strength using SMA for specific close prices:
>>> closes = pd.Series([...]) # Example closing prices
>>> closes_index = pd.Series([...]) # Example index closing prices
>>> rsm = mansfield_relative_strength(closes, closes_index, window=52)
>>> print(rsm)
See Also:
- `Mansfield Relative Strength | ChartMill.com
- `How to create the Mansfield Relative Performance Indicator - Stage Analysis
__version__ = "5.3"
__author__ = "York <york.jong@gmail.com>"
__date__ = "2024/08/23 (initial version) ~ 2024/10/13 (last revision)"
__all__ = [
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import yfinance as yf
from .ta import simple_moving_average, exponential_moving_average
from . import yf_utils as yfu
from .ranking_utils import append_ratings, move_columns_to_end
# Relative (Price) Stength
def mansfield_relative_strength(closes, closes_index, window, ma='SMA'):
Calculate Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM) for given close prices, index
close prices, and window size using a given moving average method ('SMA'
or 'EMA').
closes: pandas.Series
Series of closing prices for the stock.
closes_index: pandas.Series
Series of closing prices for the benchmark index.
window: int
Window size for calculating the Simple Moving Average of the Dorsey
Relative Strength.
ma: str, optional
Moving average type ('SMA', 'EMA'). Default to 'SMA'.
Series containing the calculated Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM)
values with given moving average method.
>>> stock_closes = pd.Series([100, 105, 110],
... index=pd.date_range(start='2024-01-01', periods=3, freq='D'))
>>> index_closes = pd.Series([2000, 2050, 2100],
... index=pd.date_range(start='2024-01-01', periods=3, freq='D'))
>>> mansfield_relative_strength(stock_closes, index_closes, window=2)
2024-01-01 5.000000
2024-01-02 5.097847
2024-01-03 5.238095
dtype: float64
>>> mansfield_relative_strength_with_ema(stock_closes, index_closes,
... window=2, ma='EMA')
2024-01-01 5.000000
2024-01-02 5.097847
2024-01-03 5.238095
dtype: float64
# Select the MA function based on the 'ma' parameter
ma_func = {
'SMA': simple_moving_average,
'EMA': exponential_moving_average,
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid ma type. Must be 'SMA' or 'EMA'.")
closes = closes.ffill()
closes_index = closes_index.ffill()
rsd = dorsey_relative_strength(closes, closes_index)
rsm = ((rsd / ma_func(rsd, window)) - 1) * 100
return rsm.round(2)
def dorsey_relative_strength(closes, closes_index):
Calculate Dorsey Relative Strength (RSD) for given close prices and index
close prices.
closes: pandas.Series
Series of closing prices for the stock.
closes_index: pandas.Series
Series of closing prices for the benchmark index.
Series containing the calculated Dorsey Relative Strength (RSD) values.
return (closes / closes_index) * 100
# EPS Relative Strength
def relative_strength_vs_benchmark(metric_series, bench_series, window=4):
Calculate the relative strength of a financial metric relative to a
benchmark index.
This function computes the relative strength of a financial metric by
comparing each value to the average over a specified window, and calculates
the relative strength.
metric_series: pd.Series or array-like
A series or array-like object of financial metric values for a stock.
This will be converted to a pandas Series.
bench_series: pd.Series or array-like
A series or array-like object of financial metric values for the
benchmark index. This will be converted to a pandas Series.
window: int, optional
The number of periods over which to calculate the moving average (
default is 4).
A series containing the relative strength of the metric compared to the
benchmark index.
# Ensure inputs are pandas Series
if not isinstance(metric_series, pd.Series):
metric_series = pd.Series(metric_series)
if not isinstance(bench_series, pd.Series):
bench_series = pd.Series(bench_series)
# Align and interpolate missing data
length = min(len(metric_series), len(bench_series))
metric_series = metric_series.infer_objects().interpolate()[-length:]
bench_series = bench_series.infer_objects().interpolate()[-length:]
# Calculate the moving average
avg_metric = metric_series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=1).mean()
avg_bench = bench_series.rolling(window=window, min_periods=1).mean()
# Calculate percentage change relative to the moving average
metric_change = (metric_series - avg_metric) / (
np.minimum(np.abs(avg_metric), np.abs(metric_series)) + 1e-8)
bench_change = (bench_series - avg_bench) / (
np.minimum(np.abs(avg_bench), np.abs(bench_series)) + 1e-8)
# Calculate Relative Strength and convert to percentage
rsm_values = (metric_change.values - bench_change.values) * 100
# Return result as a Series with the original index
rsm = pd.Series(rsm_values, index=metric_series.index)
# Replace inf and -inf with NaN
rsm = rsm.replace([np.inf, -np.inf], np.nan)
return rsm.round(2)
# Ranking
def rankings(tickers, ticker_ref='^GSPC',
period='2y', interval='1wk', ma="SMA", rating_method='rank'):
Rank stocks based on their Mansfield Relative Strength (RSM) against an
index benchmark.
tickers : list of str
List of stock tickers to rank.
ticker_ref : str, optional
Ticker symbol of the benchmark index. Defaults to '^GSPC' (S&P 500).
period : str, optional
Period for retrieving historical data ('6mo', '1y', '2y', '5y', 'ytd',
'max'). Defaults to '2y' (two years).
interval : str, optional
Interval for historical data ('1d', '1wk'). Defaults to '1wk' (one
ma : str, optional
Moving average type ('SMA' for Simple Moving Average or 'EMA' for
Exponential Moving Average). Defaults to 'SMA'.
rating_method : str, optional
Method for calculating stock ratings. Either 'rank' (based on relative
ranking) or 'qcut' (based on quantiles). Defaults to 'rank'.
A DataFrame containing ranked stock data with relative strength and
other metrics.
# Set moving average windows based on the interval
rs_win = { '1d': 252, '1wk': 52}[interval]
ma_wins = { '1d': [50, 150], '1wk': [10, 30]}[interval]
vma_win = { '1d': 50, '1wk': 10}[interval]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid interval. " "Must be '1d', or '1wk'.")
stock_df = build_stock_rs_df(tickers=tickers, ticker_ref=ticker_ref,
period=period, interval=interval, ma=ma)
stock_df = stock_df.sort_values(by='RS', ascending=False)
rs_columns = ['RS', '1 Month Ago', '3 Months Ago',
'6 Months Ago', '9 Months Ago']
rating_columns = ['Rating (RS)', 'Rating (1M)', 'Rating (3M)',
'Rating (6M)', 'Rating (9M)']
ranking_df = append_ratings(stock_df, rs_columns,
rating_columns, method=rating_method)
ranking_df = move_columns_to_end(
'52W pos',
*[f'MA{w}' for w in ma_wins],
f'Volume / VMA{vma_win}',
return ranking_df
def build_stock_rs_df(tickers, ticker_ref='^GSPC',
period='2y', interval='1wk', ma="SMA"):
Build a DataFrame of stocks ranked by their Mansfield Relative Strength
(RSM) against a benchmark index.
tickers : list of str
List of stock tickers to include in the ranking.
ticker_ref : str, optional
Ticker symbol of the benchmark index. Defaults to '^GSPC' (S&P 500).
period : str, optional
Period for historical data ('6mo', '1y', '2y', '5y', 'ytd', 'max').
Defaults to '2y' (two years).
interval : str, optional
Interval for historical data ('1d', '1wk'). Defaults to '1wk' (one week).
ma : str, optional
Moving average type ('SMA' for Simple Moving Average or 'EMA' for
Exponential Moving Average). Defaults to 'SMA'.
A DataFrame containing relative strength values, historical data, and
moving averages for each stock.
# Select the MA function based on the 'ma' parameter
ma_func = {
'SMA': simple_moving_average,
'EMA': exponential_moving_average,
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid moving average type. Must be 'SMA' or 'EMA'.")
# Set moving average windows based on the interval
rs_win = { '1d': 252, '1wk': 52}[interval]
ma_wins = { '1d': [50, 150], '1wk': [10, 30]}[interval]
vma_win = { '1d': 50, '1wk': 10}[interval]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Invalid interval. " "Must be '1d', or '1wk'.")
# Fetch data for stocks and index
df_all = yf.download([ticker_ref] + tickers,
period=period, interval=interval)
df_ref = df_all.xs(ticker_ref, level='Ticker', axis=1)
print("Num of downloaded stocks: "
rows = []
price_ma = {}
for ticker in tickers:
df = df_all.xs(ticker, level='Ticker', axis=1)
rsm = mansfield_relative_strength(df['Close'], df_ref['Close'],
rs_win, ma=ma)
for win in ma_wins:
price_ma[f'{win}'] = ma_func(df['Close'], win).round(2)
vol_div_vma = (df['Volume'] / ma_func(df['Volume'], vma_win)).round(2)
end_date = rsm.index[-1]
# Calculate position in 52W range
high_52w = df['Close'].rolling(window=252, min_periods=1).max().iloc[-1]
low_52w = df['Close'].rolling(window=252, min_periods=1).min().iloc[-1]
current_price = df['Close'].asof(end_date)
range_position = (current_price - low_52w) / (high_52w - low_52w)
# Construct DataFrame for current stock
row = {
'Ticker': ticker,
'RS': rsm.asof(end_date),
'1 Week Ago': rsm.asof(end_date - pd.DateOffset(weeks=1)),
'1 Month Ago': rsm.asof(end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=1)),
'3 Months Ago': rsm.asof(end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=3)),
'6 Months Ago': rsm.asof(end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=6)),
'9 Months Ago': rsm.asof(end_date - pd.DateOffset(months=9)),
'Price': df['Close'].asof(end_date).round(2),
'52W pos': range_position.round(2),
**{f'MA{w}': price_ma[f'{w}'].iloc[-1] for w in ma_wins},
f'Volume / VMA{vma_win}': vol_div_vma.iloc[-1],
# Combine rows into a single DataFrame
stock_df = pd.DataFrame(rows)
return stock_df
# Unit Test
def main(period='2y', ma="EMA", out_dir='out'):
import os
from datetime import datetime
from .stock_indices import get_tickers
code = 'SOX'
tickers = get_tickers(code)
# cases of missing 'Basic EPS' field.
#tickers = ['3036A.TW', '2882B.TW', '8349A.TWO', '2887Z1.TW']
# case of empty financials DataFrame
#tickers = ['910861.TW']
rank = rankings(tickers, period=period, interval='1wk', ma=ma)
# Save to CSV
os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True)
today = datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d')
filename = f'{code}_stocks_{period}_{ma}_{today}.csv'
rank.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, filename), index=False)
print(f'Your "{filename}" is in the "{out_dir}" folder.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
import time
start_time = time.time()
print(f"Execution time: {time.time() - start_time:.4f} seconds")